Cognitive decline and dementia are two dreaded conditions associated with older age. While...
What our clients say
Dr. Mesen,
I forgot to ask you yesterday during my appointment, but I have a couple of Women asking if you treat women as well?
They seem to have lots of concerns about Thyroid and hormones …
Also, just wanted you to know, at least a couple times per week someone tells me that:
a) I look like I am getting younger and younger each year (for those that know me) OR
b) They can NOT believe that I am 47 years old – “37 MAYBE but there is NO WAY you are 47!”
So, a big “thank you” for your help over the years. Regaining my health has spurred a veritable renaissance in all aspects of my life for which I am extremely grateful.
MARKMedical Doctor Specialized in ER, 42 YEARS OLD, USA
I’m 42 and was feeling less and less energetic. I was exercising, but it was nearly impossible to get stronger. My waist was growing and confidence level was sinking. Bloodwork at Anti-Aging Institute of the Americas revealed a low Testosterone level. Dr Mesen explained to me that this was causing my symptoms. He treated me with implantable testosterone pellets. It was a painless procedure that took about 5 minutes in his office. Within a week later I was sleeping better. My exercise routine became more rewarding as stamina and strength became noticeably greater!
Thank you.

CAROLYNN YOUNGHUSBANDMassage Therapist from Toronto, Canada
FACT: From the time we are born into this world, we are aging or getting old.
FACT: This is your life and you have the power how you want to see it play out. You can either choose to ‘get old’ or you can chose ‘age’ at a healthier, slower pace while still enjoying your activities & passions in life.
I am Carolynn Younghusband, Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), and Integrated Wellness Consultant Practitioner from Toronto, Canada. In the past 10 years I began to notice drastic changes related to my female monthly cycle due to the immense stress I was living and
surviving under and also partially due to the “normal” changes of being a female.
I have been traveling to/from Costa Rica now for over 7 years as part of my own personal journey for connecting with nature & self-healing. I immediately fell in love with Costa Rica the 1st time my feet touched the ground, I breathed in the air, I felt the love of this wonderful land and the Costa Rican people. I had found my home. Since 7 years ago, I have followed my instincts and expanded my Canadian profession of Wellness to become part of Costa Rica. With my research on the Costa Rican medical/wellness & tourist industry the universe lead me to the opportunity of meeting Dr. Mesen.MD.
I am Edwin Plewes, of Grande Prairie, AB, in Western Canada. I am currently 50 years old. I am fit, active, and generally of good health. I work in the gas and oil industry with a mobile welding truck. My difficulties started taking me to doctors a couple of years ago when I began falling asleep during the day. It reached the point where it was, at times, not safe to drive. I looked terrible so said my friends and coworkers. They kept asking what was wrong. I was losing weight, had no appetite, would get sick to stomach if tried to force myself to eat more. I could barely function sexually, even with Viagra. I blamed the problems on Paxil, and anti-depressant I had been on for a dozen years. But to see a specialist to change the medication would take four months. Welcome to universal public health care! At a friend’s encouragement, I tried testosterone injections, which helped immensely. I got the medication changed and the energy improved greatly again, but the other symptoms persisted.
A couple of doctors suggested hormone testing. In June/11 I went off the injections, and a month later was falling asleep again and going downhill. Got test results back in August from family doctor. Tested in the 300’s. Bingo! That’s the problem. To my dismay the doctor said this was normal and treatment for hormones was mostly a myth with no benefit. Was run out of his office for asking questions! A hormone pharmacist suggested another doctor. Results were the same. Hormone treatment is just not part of the Canadian medical thinking. Pharmacist suggested an anti-aging doctor. None in my area. Went back on injections to keep going and looked into medical tourism in CR as I already had tickets for end of October/11. Found antiagingcostarica and set up appointment for 9:00 am.
Went in. Was told by Dr Mesen that I had the five major signs of andropause, or male menopause. At 3:30pm, on the same day, not three months later as is the case in Canada, I got the results with the most comprehensive blood analysis report I, or any pharmacist at home who saw it, have ever seen. Testosterone and DHEA were too low and estrogen was way too high. Left same day with the testosterone implants and DHEA supplements plus drug prescription to bring down estrogen levels. In two weeks I was sleeping normally again, appetite was back, energy was back. In two months, I did not need Viagra to function, and my overall health was as if I was 30 years old again. Anti-depressant meds were gone and a thing of the past. Sadly, a couple of permanent side effects from long term use remain, but they are livable with. My next trip down in December will be just after a year from starting treatment. Overall health is good, the weight has come back, Viagra and antidepressants are not needed, and, in a physically demanding environment, I keep up with workers many years younger.
All of this happiness cost me about the same amount of money for private health care as it costs me in lost income to shut down my welding truck for the morning and go to my family doctor. The one that believes my dramatic improvement in well being is just a myth. To get to see a specialist of Dr Mesen’s capacity, because so few exist in Canada, could take up to 30 months. And only if you can find a family doctor that can be convinced anything is wrong, so as to get the necessary referrals, which I was unable to do. In Canada, we are 10 to 20 years behind cutting edge medical breakthroughs…and in the remote area I live in…the doctors are much further behind. I have asked several pharmacists in Canada about the treatment program but none have heard of the program combination I am on. This is the not so good side of our universal public health system. In reality, we all get the same dismal level of poor care.
As well, I can see that, as some Canadian pharmacists have told me, if everyone had their hormones balanced, starting in their 40’s, they would consume well under half the prescription medications that they will typically use over the second half of their lives. And they would live immensely better. Definitely the pharmaceutical industry is opposed to good health that reduces the need for their drugs.
Sadly, in Canada, what was once a state of the art health care system, is now so overloaded by an aging unhealthy population that I estimate the number of Canadians flying to Asia, Central America, and India to buy private health care exceeds the million mark. I get my dental, optometry, and most of my doctor care in Costa Rica now. I expect I will do so for the next 30 plus years. At least in northern AB where I live, the cost, the service, and the results for ordinary day to day health care are vastly superior in Costa Rica. It is cheap to get there and beautiful when you do. I have friends with the same symptoms I had. And the same assessment from their doctors that all is normal. Well, people, that ‘normal’ might be enough to stay alive, but it is not enough to live normally. The solution exists in the treatment Dr Mesen provides. It is readily available to many Canadians. All we have to do is get on the plane and go get it……and start living again!