How do growth hormone injections work?
The world is changing and so is the way we view our health and well being as we age.
Mental, emotional and physical health all play an essential part of our overall health and sense of well-being. Memory lapses, lack of energy, muscle loss, and other conditions that are usually associated with “senior moments” can actually occur at any age; aging alone is generally not the cause of cognitive decline or impaired quality of life. Active adults who have access to medical facilities, antiaging medicine, and human growth hormone (HGH) have a better quality of life.
How can HGH injections help?
Hormones, including human growth hormone, play a part in nearly every major body function. If the body does not produce enough human growth hormone, a person may need to supplement their own HGH with growth hormone injections. Adults taking growth hormone notice an improvement in their ability to exercise longer and an increase in their strength. They feel better about themselves and experience an improved quality of life. They lose weight around their waistline and build more muscle and bone calcium. Cholesterol levels may also improve.
How is growth hormone deficiency diagnosed?
Growth hormone deficiency is diagnosed based on the patient’s history, associated symptoms, and a blood test that measure growth hormone levels.
Retirement communities with access to anti aging treatment and HGH replacement
Human beings go through various phases of life from childhood to the teen years onto adulthood. Young adults typically experience good health, an efficient immune system, strong muscles, a healthy brain and a sharp memory, when hormones are working at optimal levels. Now with bio-identical hormone replacement including human growth hormone, you can experience the same health and vitality long into your senior years.
Seniors living in retirement communities with access to anti-aging medicine and HGH, experience a better quality of life. The prestigious scientific journal, Biogerontology, defines aging as: “The progressive failing ability of the body’s own intrinsic and genetic powers to defend, maintain and repair itself in order to keep working efficiently.” Anti-Aging medicine aims to maintain or achieve this irrespective of chronological age, keeping you healthy and biologically efficient.
Anti Aging & Wellness Clinic
The experts at the Anti-Aging and Wellness Clinic will help you develop a health plan that will optimize your hormone levels, slow the signs of aging and reduce the risk of chronic, age related diseases such as; heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.
A physician at our clinic will conduct a comprehensive lab analysis, discuss your medical history, nutrition, exercise plan, lifestyle and personal goals and then develop a health plan specific to your individual needs. We understand our patients want a better, more effective and cost-effective way to keep them feeling healthy and vital.
Other Services at the Anti-Aging and Wellness Clinic
- Weight loss and nutritional counseling
- Food Intolerance testing
- Human growth hormone
- Bio-identical hormone replacement
- Platelet-rich plasma therapy
- P-Shot PRP procedure
- Facial rejuvenation
- Chelation therapy
- Comprehensive blood panels
- Telomere testing
- Cancer testing