Many of us spend lots of money every year on oral supplements but never actually feel the positive results. Vitamin infusion, or IV therapy, ensures the vitamins you receive are absorbed and are effective, helping improve your overall health. By delivering the vitamins straight into your bloodstream through IV- therapy, you are able to absorb 99.9% of vitamins, ensuring maximum impact. When you take vitamins orally, they have to travel through your stomach before the nutrients are absorbed and the result is less than 10% of the nutrients are actually absorbed. Most of the nutrients end up being excreted in your urine. Barriers exist in the gastrointestinal tract that prevent adequate absorption but through IV therapy, the anti-aging experts at the Anti-Aging and Wellness Clinic, can safely deliver larges doses of nutrients into your blood stream, allowing your body to absorb them instantly, ensuring optimal efficacy at the cellular level.
Benefits of vitamin infusion:
- Provide stress relief
- Detoxify your liver
- Help aid in post-surgical recovery
- Enhance your athletic performance and shorten recovery time
- Strengthen your immune function to prevent illness and improve symptoms of chronic illness
- Increase energy levels
- Improve sleep quality
- Promote anti-aging and improve skin quality
- Relieves allergy, cold and flu symptoms
- Improve symptoms of asthma
- Improve symptoms of depression
- Improve symptoms of asthma
- Reduce headaches
Patients feeling fatigued or run down, suffering from a cold or flu, diagnosed with a chronic illness such as Lyme disease or fibromyalgia, can all benefit from vitamin infusion at the Anti-Aging and Wellness Clinic. Some patients will improve after one or two infusions while some patients may need continuous therapy. Patients suffering from chronic illness will need ongoing IV nutritional support. Contact the professionals at the Anti-Aging and Wellness Clinic today and let us help you ensure your body is in peak physical condition.