There is a lot of information about the benefits of testosterone therapy for men but men don’t have a monopoly on testosterone. Women also produce testosterone and like men, as women age, they produce less testosterone, and can benefit from testosterone therapy. The professionals at the Anti-Aging and Wellness Clinic in Costa Rica understand the significant health benefits testosterone therapy provides women.
Women produce testosterone in the ovaries and adrenal glands but the level of testosterone begins to decline when women are in their 20’s and that decline continues as women age. For many years physicians believed only levels of estrogen and progesterone were important for a woman’s health and sense of well-being. However, studies show that slight increases in testosterone can provide significant physical and mental health benefits for women.
12 health benefits of testosterone:
- Increase sexual drive
- Increase sexual arousal
- Increase energy
- Improve muscle tone
- Improve mental focus and mood
- Reduce anxiety
- Reduce weight gain
- Improve bone density
- Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
- Reduce the risk of diabetes
- May help reduce the risk of breast cancer
- Relieve symptoms of menopause including frequent urination, incontinence, vaginal dryness and hot flashes.
Every woman is at risk for testosterone deficiency as she ages. Women who undergo a hysterectomy or oophorectomy have an even higher risk of suffering from low levels of testosterone. Even young women taking birth control pills are at risk of having low levels of testosterone. Women who begin to experience declining levels of testosterone will have many of the same symptoms as men including fatigue, weight gain, low sex drive and mental fogginess. Testosterone therapy at the Anti-Aging and Wellness Clinic can help alleviate these symptoms as well as provide additional health benefits.
After comprehensive testing, the anti-aging experts at the Anti-Aging and Wellness Clinic will develop a customized treatment plan specific to your goals and needs. For women suffering from hormone imbalance, this plan will include bioidentical hormone replacement; these hormones match the natural hormones in your body. Bioidentical hormones are expertly compounded by a qualified pharmacy to meet your individual health care needs. Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones match the hormones your body produces allowing them to be easily metabolized without negative side effects.
Contact us at the Anti-Aging and Wellness Clinic today to see if you can benefit from testosterone therapy.